Find the Best Coupling with Profile Design's FLYT System
Simplification of the fitting and customisation process
Fitting and finding the best coupling can be an arduous task. That's why Profile Design has decided to simplify the process of finding and fitting components with the FLYT system. This system gives you more variables in an easy to understand format.
27 possible combinations to cover all needs
The FLYT system combines 3 anchorages, 3 elbow rests and three extensions, all with specific characteristics, giving you 27 possible combinations to cover all needs.
FLYT System Anchorages, Elbow Supports and Extensions
Sonic Anchor:
It offers 60 mm elevation above the handlebars, with numerous positions. It is the lightest anchorage with multiple adjustments.
Supersonic anchor:
Improves the performance of the Sonic, with easy access for adjustments and allows the elbow rests to be set back behind the handlebars with a wider range of positions. Ideal for carbon extensions.
Subsonic anchor:
Ideal for low stances, with a 20 mm drop compared to other models. Designed for ease of wiring assembly and for aggressive, narrow stances.
Ergo elbow rest:
It has a soft curve to provide comfort for a standard forearm. Includes a 10 mm pad and the option to purchase a 5 mm pad.
Made of aluminium, with a wider base to facilitate extreme positions. Aids wide elbow positions or for cyclists with strong forearms.
Race armrests:
It has a curved cup designed to support the forearms and keep the position secure. Ideal for maintaining a tight, fixed posture.
Extension 35A:
With the angle indicated by the number, it allows a slightly dropped wrist position for comfort and aerodynamics.
Extension 50:
Combine this vertical angle with a 7.5 mm inner curve. This extension is ideal for high hand carry or a right angle at the wrist. The side curve allows for the widest postures.
Extension 45/25:
Allows you to combine two stances with a 7.5mm lateral bend. This extension is ideal for the rider who is looking for versatility by combining aggressive and controllable positions while riding.